Saturday, January 05, 2013

This lifetime game....Paintball (Gun Centric)

I can't recall how I fell into the sport but my earliest recollection is an overused Stingray paintball gun with a short barrel. My parents refused to buy this piece of plastic and o-rings from a neighbor kid because it might just be an expensive "phase" for their son. At the time, paintballs cost a lot of money for a kid that knocked down $40 bucks a day working at his grandfather's refrigeration business. But still, with some hard work, I eventually ended up with that Stingray. In time, a 9oz co2 tank and 200 round hopper came into my ownership along with some camouflage pants and a jacket from a local surplus store. I spent weekends and summers playing with this gun. The neighborhood kids did the same and our games were limited only by the imagination. Capture the flag, point to point, night games, public games, private games. At one point, my neighbor's dad secured a flat bed trailer load of pallets and we built our own field. Hours were spent in the humid Pennsylvania summer, building bunkers, barriers, and prepping for the weekend when everyone would show up to play. Even parents got involved and bought newer and nicer guns to play than my little Stingray. A spyder with a ported barrel and expansion chamber was high tech stuff at the time.

Fast forward a summer and my love for the game had grown. We played some through the winter of 98 or 99.  Unknown to myself, western PA was going through what would later be referred to as the "golden years" of paintball. New companies grew in the market place such as Smart Parts and Worr Game products. Anyone with a mill and some imagination, soon took their skillset to work to the table.There was even rumor of an entirely new "electronic" gun from Europe called the "Angel" which had yet to hit our shores. Although Smart Parts had introduced an electronic gun called the Shocker, it was out of my budget. However.........

I was working a lot that summer and somewhere along the lines, a friend was in the process of upgrading to a Worr Games Autococker from his Tippmann Carbine.

The picture to the left illustrates pretty much what it looked like, minus the double trigger. I bought it from him for $250 dollars and never looked back. The paintball scene had grown quite a bit by now and I found myself playing paintball at a local field called "Hamburger Hill." This place, long since out of business was a young kid's dream come true. It was owned by an army vet who had been into paintball since the early 80's. He had been running the field for almost 15 years before I found the place. Paint was cheap and the fields were amazing. Wooded fields designed by a guy who saw action in Vietnam. It had everything from outpost buildings to foxholes and tunnels. It was the quintessential dream come true for a kid like myself. Sometimes I regret that kids these days don't have something like Hamburger Hill in their life. A place where a kid can be a kid and have fun. And fun we did have. I spent that summer playing in public games and also with friends. I believe my parents even loved that place. It was on an old farm homestead and if they wanted a day to themselves, all they had to do was drop me off with some money for paint.

     The trusty metal Tippmann saw many games out there and my old camouflage pants were often patched and stitched many times over after a weekend spent crawling through mud and wet creek beds. Long sniper barrels, ghillie suits, and camouflage ruled in those days. I can recall trips to Wal Mart to buy camouflaged hunting tape to cover my loader and other visible pieces. God, I loved that place. I even worked there on occasion doing random jobs to cover paint. This is where I was exposed to my first tournament game when asked to referee one weekend.

    The Super Guns

    At the time, paintball was beginning to change for me. I was getting older and looking for the next thing in the game. This was found that day I watched my first tournament. 7 or 8 five men teams from the surrounding area showed up to play each other on three wooded fields and one "speedball" field which consisted of pallets turned on their side and spread far apart. The format was capture the flag elimination plain and simple.

    I was put in to ref the old back woods field. This field was tough because the angle of the field on one side was elevated. Teams rarely won by pushing the top because it was so hard to clear a long and empty area adjacent to the field barrier limit. As the first team went off the start, I watched a guy run to the top with a black Pro team products micromag. Although I had seen one many automags in the past, this one was different. It was small but accurate and it held it's own against a Shocker which to me represented a dream gun a person like myself could never afford. I don't remember who won but it was a sight to see this action mere feet away with guns I had only looked at in Action Pursuit, the predominant magazine at the time. Remember, the internet existed at this time but it still hadn't caught up with content from published subscriptions. That was still the source of the latest and greatest. I coveted my Action Pursuit magazines and leafed through them hundreds of times. To this day, I still have a tote of them that I look through from time to time.

     I referee'd more tournaments that summer and later saw the next super gun in my books. In fact, I would call it the super gun that beckoned my own arrival into the realm of super guns....The Dark Angel. A team showed up from Ohio that summer all carrying matching Dark Angel LED paintball guns. These Dark Angels were a gorgeous dark pewter. This was evil stepsister of mainstream paintball. No camouflage? Who cared, because honestly if you're shooting a gun like this the thought seemed to be "come after me, take your chances." And chances teams did take that day trying to beat the Ohio boys. They never lost a game, shot ropes of paint, and won quite easily. That day, I swore to myself I would own one of those someday. Someday.....

      Someday wasn't today but I needed to play a tournament, own a super gun, and play with people who I had grown to trust in their habits on the field. As a side note, super guns at the time were Automags, Autocockers, and if you had the cash (which I didn't) a Smart Parts Shocker. The picture to the left is a classic example of the original shoe box Shocker 4x4. If you paid extra, you could choose from a long list of features which included an expansion chamber, additional barrels, wooden grips, a nitrogen system and actuated loader system. Guns of this caliber were so desired that people had custom anodizing, laser engraving, and even their cars painted to match the splash colors coming out of Smart Parts. I recall a guy with a brand new Mercedes. I had never met someone who owned a Mercedes, let alone one that matched his gun.

      But back to this story about the guns that came and went in my young life. At some point, I played at Three Rivers Paintball. This was the mainstream, high end field. Paint rain a $90 a case plus admission and air. Fields were amazing and weekends were packed with people playing private and public games. It was nothing for games with 60 people playing at the same time. Life was good and when I could afford to play there, life was awesome. Three Rivers Paintball was a big part of my life even with the cost of paint. It seemed as if something new happened every weekend I played there. (More on that later)

     At some point (I can't remember exactly when) I ended up buying a Automag Classic. It was the most basic version since that was all I could afford at the time. It was used but had plenty of life. This was the most basic super gun at the time, but I didn't care. I had a super gun. The next spring soon came and I found myself playing some of the last games I can remember at Hamburger Hill. My classic Automag had a slow rate of fire and a crappy barrel but I didn't care. It sort of held it's own and kept me in play. This would be the gun I later took into my first tournaments. I upgraded when I could afford to. A new body, efficient internals, a double trigger frame, and in time, an air system. I still own the Automag to this day. Somehow in between then and now, it has just floated through my life. I will be honest. I never really liked the feel of an Automag. But I was in it for the long haul and continued to upgrade that little gun that saw countless cases of paint cycled through it.

     Sometime in life, this is when the collective efforts of many people created a team known as the "Pittsburgh Exterminators." This was the first team I joined. To a young 14 year old, this was the ultimate dream come true. Life got serious and paintball turned into something that included team training, drills, and ramping up to organized 5 and 7 man tournaments. I never played a 10 man tournament to my recollection but I won't dismiss that I didn't. Those early days were pretty amazing. Matching jerseys, tournaments, and playing regularly with people who somewhat knew what they were doing.

      To my recollection, the Exterminators was a big team. 20 people loosely bound by the love of the game. The summer was fun and my focus was tournament play but much like the seasons in Western PA, all things come to change. The following spring, the Exterminators broke up and splintered into three teams. It was in that time that my trusty old Automag fell to a backup gun and some good fortune resulted in the ownership of an Automag RT. This was a gun owned by the former coach of the team and it was capable of shooting volume. An oversized tank with a long barrel. In my hands, this gun was an amazing sight to see, however it was probably the worst gun to own. I never got it to function correctly and to this day only have bad memories. Memories of it breaking in mid game. Memories of carrying that god forsaken 114ci, 3000 psi tank through muck and mire. Sometime along these lines, my parents got behind the game. Through the years it had become an enabler to work hard, study, and do well in my endeavors. Good behavior was rewarded with new parts and good grades sometimes meant that my dad might help me split the cost of something I wanted. Somewhere in between I spent my days working my butt off to cover the outstanding cost otherwise.

      My dad was an engineer and with some careful analysis, he could figure out the problems which plagued my friends and I. As I sit here writing this in 2012, slowly coming back into the paintball scene with new people, I can only reminisce in my mind over these days which formed my young life. New guns are simple, efficient, and damn nice compared to what we lugged around back in the day. But back to the Automag RT. I think at some point my dad began to see my frustration and he stepped in to help. The RT utilized high pressure air (Nitrogen) to operate. It would not function otherwise. This air was routed through an airline into the frame rail, and into the compression chamber. Between these transitions, the gun constantly leaked. My dad proved this one fall evening. He drove to West Virginia in search of parts to repair my gun, only to have it fail when he got home. With some careful measurement and testing, he determined that the seals did not meet the pressure of the tank. In the end, I went back to the Automag and sold the RT. Airgun Designs, the manufacturer would later go on to fix this shortcoming and a lot of folks would go on to make many good memories with the RT. However, I wasn't one of them.

     Introduce the Dark Angel. It was the dawn of the Millenium and the electronic gun had arrived. These new guns shot twice as fast as anything on the market and offered a plethora of options to boot. The old Automags and Autocockers were no longer the super guns of the day. Although efforts were made to electrify cockers and mags, the mainstream consisted of Angels, new guns coming from Dye, Smart Parts, and startups like Alkamp and Bob Long. Everyone seemed to be trying to create a new electro gun, however the industry leader was WDP.

     WDP was based out of England and they were the leader in paintball. Their standard stock Angel LED cost more than any other gun on the market. And the results spoke. The leading teams of the day dominated on the field with the Angel. And even if they didn't they were still the winner at the end of the day. Everyone wanted an Angel regardless of what they were shooting. The frustration of the RT resulted in an amazing spring that year. I had landed my first job working retail at a TJ Maxx. At a rate of $6.25 an hour, I socked away my money all winter and spring for a new gun. I wanted an Angel, loathed for an Angel, and found myself frustrated that I wouldn't ever get to the point of owning one. Even with the money I had saved, I had a little less than a grand. Not enough for even a stock Angel. That spring or previous Christmas, my cousin's mother purchased a Dark Angel for him. I was devastated. All the work I exerted and someone else just asked for it and received it. At this point my dad stepped in, and in the process taught me an important lesson. That lesson was to never lose sight of your dream and belief in hard work paying off. Years later this would prove true on many levels compared to my cousin who never really valued that gun he received from his mother.

    That spring, my dad offered to match every dollar I put forth to buy a Dark Angel. And shortly thereafter, we ordered the gun. WDP had just released a newer and more advanced LCD based system. I can still remember the day it arrived. I ordered the pewter color and never looked back. To this day, it is one of my most cherished guns. I took the Angel into tournaments, public games, and wherever life took me. Sadly, it was short lived because the following season marked the indirect beginning of the end of this chapter of life with paintball. I played a few more tournaments with a team called Wildfire. To this day, Wildfire consisted of some of the best, most talented, and humble players on the field. Truly good folks.

      Life changed that summer. I started attending classes at Duquesne University and my time became limited with a busy high school and work schedule. I played when I could but each month, less and less. And then the following fall, no more. Prom, holiday obligations, work, a driver's license, and everything else to make life busy took over. The following year I graduated High School and my paintball gear stayed behind when I moved to the dorms as a freshman.

       In the end, paintball taught me a lot about myself, the value of hard work, and the appreciation in the reward in doing so. I made some lifelong friends, traveled to some amazing places, and now in present day life, still appreciate the game, and the guns.

      I still find myself carousing Ebay and Craigslist when time and money permit. The guns I couldn't afford as a kid are now cheap relics of the past. For a 100 to 200 dollars, you can buy a gently used Angel, Autococker, or Automag. And with enough work and luck, you might even be able to take it out and play. But life goes on. Paintball has changed and so have the guns. New, modern guns work amazingly well and reliability isn't a question. Simply plug and play. See you out on the field. 


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Collecting and Playing

 This is the post I plan to use to highlight things I search out, particularly older paintball guns, motorcycles, and the occasional bicycle.


Warped Sportz Dark Autococker 2k2 - Pewter to black fade
This gun had a ribbed fin where the sightrail was located. I have seen a pewter fade 2.0 but the majority have a fade to black sometimes meshed with red, yellow, pewter, and blue. This is the last dark autococker I would like to own to complete my collection. The occasional pre-99 dark may be worth pursuing but I am not a fan of right or left feed autocockers. This gun has become a sort of unicorn to me. I would love to own one and keep my eye out more than what's good for me.

ANS GXE - Pewter or pewter to black fade. There are two iterations of the GXE autococker. The first was essentially a GX4 body with an electro system that originated out of Denmark. This gun also came drilled for an anti chop eye system which was known to be problematic when broken paint chopped inside. When working well, the gun functions as fast as a cocker can cycle. Rates of fire were recorded up to 15 bps. I find this interesting since current firing rates are capped around this rate today. The idea of playing a modern tournament with a cocker could be fun if such rates of fire could be achieved. I love ANS autocockers and hope to complete my collection with this gun when the time comes. They are slightly more rare than a mech gx autococker because by the time of release, cockers were on a downward spiral with manufacturers like Smart Parts, Angel, and Dye going full bore with new electro guns capable of shooting 15 bps or faster with no major problems.

Warped Sportz Dark LED Angel- A few years back, 2010 to 2013, these almost always popped up for sale. This was the marker that put Warped on the map nearly two decades ago. It was one of the very first customized Angels and people went wild for it. I always could never find one that was either the correct color, or abused from use. Still remains that way today, as of early 2015. I know one will surface eventually though. Anodizing services are getting much better these days as well, so depending on color, it may not matter as much anymore.

Warped Sportz Dark LCD 2k1 - Prior to attending college in 2006, angels were at their cheapest ever to date. I had a former teammate who purchased a doo doo brown Dark in this milling scheme. After a rough, life changing season, (He got fired from his job and broke up with fiance) he just couldn't shake all the bad karma and literally gave me his angel. I was headed off to college and needed beer money. I sold the dark doo doo LCD and regret it to this day. This body was three iterations past the original LED and one of the most popular. I bought a doo doo angel on ebay about a year ago with this same scheme, but it had seen some rough use and most likely sat in the bottom of someone's gear bag for years. I often wonder if this is the same angel I sold years back. Makes me sad. I know there are good condition LCD 2k1's out there though. Give it time. I plan to get it back online in the next few years. This was the first dark to have a smaller, more compact feel. It was a great front player gun, and could shoot ropes off the back. Loved it.

Warped Sportz Dark Ion - These guns are notorious for being finicky, a pain in the ass to work on, and hard to get right. However, in 2005-06, it was pretty much my last season playing and this gun revolutionized the sport in that it brought super power rates of fire at a much more affordable price point. I have never seen one for sale and even though these were apparently produced in high numbers, I just haven't been able to locate a good example. As I attended my last Zap International Amateur Open in Pittsburgh PA, ions we selling faster than anything I had ever seen. Entire teams bought them because they were so cheap. The MSRP for a dark ion was low and over 300 were produced. Yet, this gun still eludes me.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Things that went Vroom.

Just occurred to me that my time with the XJ is getting shorter and shorter. I am planning to say goodbye to my friend when it kicks over 200,000 miles. Right now, it's at 188,000 miles. That means 6 more oil changes, 500 gallons of gas, and most likely a new set of tires. Wow, time flies when you're driving a vehicle you like.

It's been a reliable car.

Notable Upgrades
150,000 - Installed new rims and tires
150,000 - Installed new exhaust system
170,000 - Installed new air filter
190,000 - Installed new rear shocks
190,000 - Installed new track bar and connecting rods
190,000 - Installed new brakes and rotors
190,000 - Installed new fog lights
190,000 - Installed new belt
190,000 - Installed new head gasket
190,000 - Replaced all rubber hoses for dry rought
190,000 - Installed new radiator and added new fluids

Oil Change Mark Dates
1.) 173,000 - December 24, 2008
2.) 175,000 - February 15, 2009
(Changed universal joints also)
(Changed front wheel bearings)
(Rotated tires)
3.) 177,000 - March, 1, 2009
(Replaced o2 Sensor)
(Replaced Fan Belt)
4.) 180,000 - May 15, 2009
(Rotated tires)
5.) 182,500 - July 10, 209
6.) 185,000 - August 14, 2009
(Rotated tires)
7.) 187,000 - October 3, 2009
8.) 190,000 - November 25, 2009
(Installed new radiator)
(Replaced all hoses)
(Installed new head gasket)
9.) 192,000 - January 4, 2010
10. 194,000 - February 2, 2010
11.) 196,000 -
12.) 198,500 -
13.) 200,000 - December of 2010, the Cherokee was sold for $1400 dollars to a coworker. It was a great vehicle and got me to a lot of amazing places through the years.

I replaced it with a 2000 Jeep Cherokee from my mother. It would later be stolen and totaled when my wife and I bought our first house. Jeep Cherokees are simple cars and even simpler to steal than most vehicles these days. Someone broke into it one night as it was sitting outside our house. They jacked it and drove only a few miles before rear ending it purposefully into a telephone pole and totaled it.

From here, I hit more bad luck as I chased down a dream of mine. It was an Isuzu Vehicross. I was done with Jeeps and my wife was quite happy to hear this. The Isuzu was built in Tokyo Japan and to me, represented the best of what Japanese manufacturing could encompass. Sadly, this was not the case with my pristine looking Vehicross. With 114,000 miles on the vehicle, I paid around $8,000 dollars and paid it off in less than six months. Then, the problems began, most specifically with the transmission. The car cost me another 6 grand in repair work at which point after multiple breakdowns I concluded that it was time to sell. I sold it to a gentleman who was an original engineer for Isuzu. He drove all the way from Texas and drove it home, breaking down along the way multiple times. I often wonder if he still owns it. The car was ahead of it's time on many levels and I really wished it would have worked out.

Finally, as I update this blog, it is the eve of 2015 and six years has passed since I penned the initial words. I went without a car for a year but ultimately purchased a 2014 Toyota Tacoma. Living in urban Denver, the Tacoma sees generally less than a hundred miles during the week, complimented by trips to the mountains on the weekends when needed. I hate making payments but with a little over 10,000 miles on the clock, it feels good to have a hassle free car. I plan to keep the truck for a long time, maybe even give it to my son or daughter when that time comes years from now. More on this truck in another blog. 

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Chief's Tire Carrier

Well, I finally had the chance to do a couple things involving myself and my Jeep.
1. Graduate from Duquesne University
2. Get a swing away tire carrier

I took my 1987 Cherokee Chief to Jason Kemmer of Offroad Conversions in Freedom PA. He hooked me up with a really nice design and took a lot of time on his part to perfect it. We encountered a problem with weight issues involving the weight of the tire and he had to cut a bracket and mount it to the
unibody frame to make it work. I am going to have him rework this later when he installs my gas tank skid plate and hidden hitch.
The Chief was used these past 8 months as my daily driver. Together, we passed a 176,000 miles on the odometer traveling wherever the world took me.
With luck, I will probably take this to Jeepfest this summer and maybe one or two trail rides. The Chief is never going to be a trail beater like my YJ but I do want the look and capability.
I am planning to install/purchase the following things for the Chief upon getting a career off the ground. (Any help welcomed)
-Fix my window seals (All parts in possession)
-Por 15 rusty areas (Need purchased)
-Install my clinometer without messing up dash (Opinions welcomed)
-Front Hitch (Need to purchase)
-Fix hatch (Lock doesnt work)
-Tow hooks front and rear (Need purchased)
-Locker front and rear (Opinions welcome)
-Triple AAA membership.
-Engine Mounts (Need purchased)
-Install my rear hitch
1. Transfer Case
2. Rock Rails
3. Engine Skid Plate (I Need One of These)
4. Gas Tank Skid Plate
-Install new speakers
-Install my CB
-Tow straps
-Correct old rock rails
-Rims for my new MTR tires
-Install first aid kit
-Fire Extinguisher

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

1984 Goldwing Aspencade

Who doesnt love to see a big motorcycle cruising on the open road? It looks so romantic and relaxing. Well, that is unless your 21 years old and the cool thing seems to be sport bikes. In an effort to save money and retain cargo space, I drove my dad's Goldwing for the past two months during college. It is a quick and gas efficient machine that allowed me to save a lot of money since gas prices have soared well beyond my reach for the time being. It is a great bike and we will no doubt keep it for years to come. It has gotten scratched up and worn down in the 27,000 miles and 22 odd years we have owned it but with my new career, it will probably receive a nice overhaul in the winter of 2006.

Update - December of 2015. Almost 9 years has passed since this post was written and the Goldwing has long since been sold. 

Monday, May 01, 2006

1987 Jeep Cherokee Chief XJ

This is a picture of my 1987 Jeep Cherokee Chief during the first winter I owned her at the ripe young age of 16. Isnt it a beauty? Since I have owned her for over six years, we have criss crossed many states, drove over 50,000 miles, been buried in snow, survived a Southside winter, drove to wonderful far off places, and experienced college life in a city. It may not be the fastest car or even the best four wheel drive but it was my first car and remains on of my most cherished things to this day. It will be overhauled and restored within the next 5 years. Plans include new axles, a stroked high output enging, refortifying any rust damage, and figuring out how to prevent it from leaving oil spots on my garage.